What are these ratios? - Skin Theory

What are these ratios? - Skin Theory

Posted on: Jun 05, 2021
About 3 years ago
It's finally here!

The theory's in the comments so sort by oldest <3

In other news I like my shading a bit better with this color scheme, so I'll keep it for now.

- 2 reshade entries
- OC skin
- Final skin before break

I will see you guys in the comments, happy Pride Month!
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What are these ratios? - Skin Theory

Posted on: Jun 05, 2021
About 3 years ago
It's finally here!

The theory's in the comments so sort by oldest <3

In other news I like my shading a bit better with this color scheme, so I'll keep it for now.

- 2 reshade entries
- OC skin
- Final skin before break

I will see you guys in the comments, happy Pride Month!
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Comments: 6

yup i agree with everything ur saying

and that skin :O its amazing >v<
Ty, ty! uvu
yup i agree with everything ur saying

and that skin :O its amazing >v<
There you have it skinners, the reason why some like-to-follower ratio counts don’t make sense. I hope you enjoyed this theory, I will see you all in the next one, bye bananas!
Alright so you’ve probably seen how a skinner with about a hundred followers has a count of a thousand likes and a skinner with three hundred followers has a count of three hundred likes. Strange, right? There are multiple reasons for this, one of them is like I said before, everyone grows differently, some people may not have made as many skins therefor their follower count beats their like count. Other times, which I think this is the most common one, skinners delete their older skins. Part of me doesn’t blame them, if you look back at my skins all you’ll see is cringe. So obviously when you delete skins your like count goes down.
Guess what time it is.. It’s theory time
Hello Skindex, welcome to Skin Theory! The series that I had the urge to call Theory Time because I don’t want to get in trouble with Mat Pat.

Today I’m answering the question of the *very* uneven follower to likes ratios because gosh dang it my math teacher taught me how to do ratios. Obviously everyone grows at a different rate and I do not mean to make anyone feel bad in any way!